
About Me

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I am a stay at home mom of 3 awesome kids. I am married to my best friend.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Friday night....

Its another Friday night home alone with my little munchkins. E is teething so bad right now, I really wish her tooth would come through already. I have been holding this child for 3 days now, the only place she wants to sleep is my chest, lets just say my arms hurt like crazy. T and Big E have been off track for a week now and I am not sure how I or them are going to survive the summer. Hopefully we will be able to go to the lake alot and check out our new surroundings. We are moving to a new place in about 2 weeks, I have mixed emotions about it. I am sad that we will be moving away from an awesome group of friends and that we will be living so far from family but I am happy that we will finally be able to experience it being just our little family without having our family around. Its a new beginning in a new town with a new career and new friends....wish us luck! I am really nervous that the kids are going to have a hard time finding friends for some reason, more nervous for T then for Big E, she tends to be shy at school and likes to have one or two friends she plays with but she would rather be in her classroom at recess reading a book. Big E has no problem making new friends, he is shy at first but after awhile he gets along with everyone. I am also worried about me making friends, I have made life-long friends here and really do not want to leave them, they have helped me so much this last year from taking and picking up my kids from school when I was on bed-rest for what felt like forever when I was pregnant with E to always being there when I need a break or a cup of sugar. I am going to miss all my lady friends. Im really going to miss my mom, this will be the farthest I have ever lived away from her. No more calling her up and her taking a week off of work to come and hang out with me for a few days, no more her taking the kids for a week every chance she gets since it will be a 9 hour trip one way.

On the bright side, I am VERY excited to finally be back with my husband, he has been in the town we are moving to since the end of October. He has missed out on so much that E has been doing, and I feel so bad for it but he will get to see her do everything soon. T and Big E miss daddy so much. I miss daddy! I cant wait to be able to cook him dinner, lay with him on the couch, cuddle with him in our bed, smell his soap after he gets out of the shower, you know the little things. I think this has really been good for our relationship, this is the longest we have ever gone being away from each other in the 8 years we have been together. I love him with all my heart and I love the man that he has become.

Well it is time for me to go and try to lay in bed, I wish I could wake up and it be the first week of April already!

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